Black is the New White

While studying environmental sociology during my undergrad coursework, I picked up on a somewhat hidden and almost insidious practice among humankind with regard to environmental policy. Once uncovered, I realized what is needed is not more “policies” per se but rather, complete lifestyle changes based on a new worldview.

Even today, conservation efforts are used by politicians and developers in order to “justify” the wasteful horrors we face daily; not eliminate them. Because we create and set aside protected areas, we seem to feel better about the NONprotected ones; as a bribe of our conscience.

Political green-speak and corporate green-wash are superficial practices aimed at convincing ourselves that we are making a difference by legislating healthier living. What is really needed is a new worldview of who and what we are as dynamic partners in our closed biosphere. And we are not “equal” partners because we alone possess the power to destroy the human ecosystem. Therefore, educating children to see who we are and where we live will save future generations from merely changing wasteful practices to fully engaging enviro-friendly lifestyles.(posted 4/2/09)