Counterfeit Learning Watchwords

Lesson plans are designed to meet learning objectives by providing some form of measurable performance that demonstrates an increase in capability. The language of genuine performance objectives for lesson planning is listed below. Please note, however, the counterfeit learning watchwords here:

Examples of Counterfeit Tasks*
Appreciate, Be Aware, Believe, Comprehend, Enjoy, Hear, Know, Learn, Like, Practice, Rehearse, Remember, See, Think, Understand

Next time you listen to a politician speak, count the number of times they use the counterfeit words above rather than the authentic task-centered words below. Much of society is busy processing information rather than education. Information reduces risk whereas education increases capability.

Below are the lists of measurable vocabulary for proper performance objectives than can be assessed and evaluated to determine degree of actual learning taking place...

Examples of Analytical Tasks
Analyze, Alter, Appraise, Arrange, Assemble, Categorize, Change, Chart, Classify, Collect, Combine, Compare, Compile, Compose, Construct, Contract, Contrast, Create, Defend, Design, Detect, Diagram, Differentiate, Discriminate, Evaluate, Examine, Expand, Experiment, Explain, Extend, Formulate, Gather, Generalize, Generate, Group, Include, Inventory, Itemize, Manage, Modify, Organize, Paraphrase, Plan, Predict, Prepare, Present, Propose, Question, Rearrange, Reconstruct, Regroup, Rename, Reorganize, Restructure, Rewrite, Save, Set up, Shorten, Simplify, Sort, Structure, Systematize, Test

Examples of Application Tasks
Calculate, Choose, Classify, Complete, Compute, Demonstrate, Dramatize, Employ, Illustrate, Interpret, Modify, Operate, Prepare, Schedule, Sketch, Solve, Use

Examples of Calculation Tasks
Add, Check, Compute, Count, Derive, Divide, Estimate, Extract, Extrapolate, Graph, Group, Integrate, Measure, Multiply, Plot, Prove, Reduce, Sequence, Solve,  Square, Subtract, Tabulate, Tally, Verify

Examples of Comprehension Tasks
Arrange, Categorize, Cite, Define, Describe, Differentiate, Discuss, Document, Duplicate, Explain, Express, Find, Generalize, Identify, Indicate, Interpret, Label, List, Locate, Map, Match, Memorize, Name, Organize, Outline, Paraphrase, Quote, Recognize, Record, Repeat, Report, Reproduce, Restate, Return, Review, Select, Sequence, Signify, Sort, State, Suggest, Support, Tabulate, Tell, Translate, Underline, Volunteer, Write

Examples of Evaluation Tasks
Assess, Compare, Conclude, Critique, Defend, Estimate, Evaluate, Grade, Judge, Justify, Measure, Predict, Prescribe, Rank, Rate, Recommend, Score, Select, Support, Validate

Examples of Interpersonal Tasks
Accept, Agree, Aid, Allow, Answer, Ask, Assist, Collaborate, Communicate, Compliment, Confront, Contribute, Cooperate, Disagree, Discuss, Explain, Excuse, Follow, Forgive, Greet, Guide, Help, Inform, Initiate,  Interact, Invite, Join, Laugh, Lead, Lend, Manage, Meet, Offer, Permit, Praise, Question, React, Relate, Respond, Serve, Share, Smile, Supply, Talk, Thank, Volunteer, Vote

Examples of Language Tasks
Abbreviate, Accent, Acknowledge, Alphabetize, Argue, Articulate, Capitalize, Compose, Define, Describe, Edit, Explain, Hyphenate, Indent, Outline, Present, Print, Pronounce, Punctuate, Read, Recite, Repeat,  Respond, Speak, Spell, State, Summarize, Translate, Type, Verbalize, Write

Examples of Physical Tasks
Assemble, Blend, Brush, Build, Calibrate, Carve, Color, Combine, Connect, Construct, Convert, Crush, Cut, Decrease, Demonstrate, Dissect, Draw, Drill, Finish, Fit, Fix, Fold, Form, Frame, Graft, Grind, Grow, Hammer, Handle, Heat, Illustrate, Increase, Insert, Lengthen, Limit, Make, Manipulate, Melt, Mend, Mix, Mold, Nail, Operate, Paint, Paste, Plant, Position, Pour, Prepare, Press, Reduce, Remove, Replace, Report, Reset, Roll, Rub, Sand, Saw, Set, Shake, Sharpen, Sketch, Smooth, Specify, Stamp, Stick, Stir, Straighten, Time, Trace, Transfer, Trim, Varnish, Weigh, Wipe, Wrap

(posted 2/18/10)