Lifelong Learning for Free

Here’s the REAL question… when university lectures and their related domains of knowledge are available for free, what will be the need for College diplomas?  Just test someone for their understanding of the knowledge needed for a position and voila!

This is how education as an institution will change. Credits are given for degrees to be obtained which ensures ‘ownership’ and control of education as an institution. Opensource is eliminating the ability of any one enterprise to corner the market so-to-speak.

Same with Open Commons licensing. Not only does it encourage information be made available for free; it precludes the beneficiaries of that information from selling it on the back-end. The big publishers, software developers like IBM, and others are only beginning to see the ramifications and are fighting to gain back control (but it may be too late). And the playing field is leveled once more. (posted 2/21/09)