Societies function like organisms because they are made up of living beings. Organisms seek balance, not equality. Nature can be a bit ruthless in this regard.
The Privilege Gap
The present culture of uncertainty is facing an unknown future. They will retire in 2065. None of us knows “what” they need to know so we must teach them “how” to be life-long learners and how to adapt and survive the fast paced continuous changes they will forever face. Therefore, the present dilemma of some being haves and others being have-nots, is not about resolution so much as about utilization to teach the adaptation skills needed. What will change? Do we seriously believe everyone will be equal one day? Preposterous. We may have been created equal but we each face our own obstacles, the overcoming of which strengthens us to be the unique contribution to the whole for which we were and are destined. (posted 2/7/09)