Will the Next Generation Forget How to Write?

I was asked this question recently, noting the many complaints coming from the education sector, regarding the havoc that SMS text messaging shortcut lingo is sure to wreak on writing skills, to which I replied in my best penmanship (bear in mind, I'm left-handed):
hw silE we cn be…

erly greeks considrd d intro of d b%k 2B an omen of certN peril 2 d recall abilities of d yung hu w%dnt nd 2 memorize sinC dey cUd l%k ^ evryting ina b%k.

d widespread uz of d telegraph cauzd concrn dat fucha genA8tns w%d Rplce flowery, adjectival spEch 4 dull, dry, diRct, humdrum, to-the-point monotony.

d pencl w%d reduce ritN acuracy sinC errs cUd B erased, "so Y? wori?"

No d txtGen'ers wl B relegated 2 spEch 1ly sinC dey won't B abL 2 convey NEfin meaningful n ritN.

S dis nt meaningful?
(Transl8td @ http://www.lingo2word.com/translate.php)
(posted 10/5/09)